鑫弘重工首艘轴带发电系统安装项目 “扬帆矿物”轮顺利交付



CUD First Shaft Power Generation System Installation Project

Successful Delivery of MV Mineral Yangfan


On August 18th, MV Mineral Yangfan completed all scheduled repair and installation projects successfully at CUD (WEIHAI) SHIPYARD CO., LTD , Ltd. And departure on schedule.



MV Mineral Yangfan is a cape-size bulk carrier with 206392 DWT, the main repair projects include the installation of shaft generator, frequency conversion cabinet, isolation transformer and other equipments and structural modification of the tail shaft area, etc.. This project covers multiple key areas such as hull, machinery, electricity and painting with a complicated engineering structure and a very tight repair schedule.




After receiving the conversion project for this ship, CUD shipyard attached great importance to it. Faced with the challenge of undertaking the conversion project of such shaft power generation system installation for the first time, our production department quickly set up the management project team,  contacted with the resident shipowner proactively, organized and held multiple preparation meetings,  reviewed the operation process, and consolidated the construction plan, which laid a good foundation for the smooth implementation of the conversion project.


During the process of ship conversion work, our project team closely focused on the production goals of controlling the docking period, guaranteeing the quality, and grabbing the delivery date, promptly held the safety production planning meeting with all department, and the construction team, strengthened the production and safety on-site control elements, and meticulously deployed the important nodes of the production tasks. During the installation of the shaft power generation system of MV Mineral Yangfan, the on-site managers closely monitored the production schedule, continuously optimized the construction process, clarified each construction node, reasonably arranged the construction at night, and strictly carried out construction disclosure and safety control. Finally, all participating personnel involved in the hard shift work endured the scorching heat of summer and braved wind and rain, successfully overcame various difficulties such as lack of experience for initial installation, labor shortage and other difficulties, and completed all repair tasks of MV Mineral Yangfan with high quality, winning unanimous praise from the shipowner and ship surveyor.




In the end, MV Mineral Yangfan set sail with a refreshed appearance, which not only accumulated valuable experience of the installation of shaft power generation system for CUD, but also laid a solid foundation for CUD to undertake the energy-saving device projects of other ship in the future.


 地 址:山东省威海市荣成市人和镇槎山南路2889号
 传 真:0631-7963808 0631-7962808
 电 话:0631-7963808 0631-7962808
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